Sunday, December 11, 2011

Quality Data Through Enterprise Data Management

Enterprise data management and enterprise content management are about the creation, organization, and consolidation of reference data among large companies that operate locally and internationally. Through this, data integration is made easier and information dissemination is made highly reliable.

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Reference data is maintained and stored by different business units. If one unit needs a particular documentation from another, he will request for it. It is just that easy. But the burden is not on the requesting, it is on the waiting. Unless the request demands immediate attention or it is of high priority, you can't expect that you will have it in a second. You will have it even much later if what you want is in another branch that has a different time zone. These instances will surely delay office functions as well as the delivery of goods and services. Consequently, this will also hurt sales. Discrepancy is another major setback. Other than misinformation among those in the company, it will affect the reputation of the company in the business world. This may convert to loss of clients and withdrawal of trading partners. These are the reasons why large companies need enterprise data management.


Enterprise data management goes hand-in-hand with enterprise content management. It's necessary to ensure that the information contained in all channels is of dependable quality.

Quality information, meaning accurate, consistent and up-to-date, must be what's stored and contained in all archives, documents, e-mails, newsletters and even instant messages. Doing so is essential to the functions of all company departments and branches. It ensures that enterprise data is organized and searchable even by keywords so users can find what they are looking for in just a matter of seconds. Not only does it offer easy access but also simple operation. This, therefore, contributes a lot in the smooth and effective business workflow of the entire company.

Generally, enterprise data management and enterprise content management increase company productivity and ensure timely delivery of products and services. They prevent discrepancies and inaccuracies as well as minimize the mistakes normally committed by employees. They avoid miscommunications and help in controlling the data that must be made available to the entire information supply chain. Of course, confidential information is still kept as such. Another important thing here is that there will be a significant savings in terms of the cost for storing hard copies of office files; using papers, printers, and inks; sending mails to clients; hiring people to handle enterprise data and others.

Quality Data Through Enterprise Data Management

Stibo Systems' enterprise data management and enterprise content management strategies support a company's need for an organized and consolidated record-keeping. Exchange of information within the company and among its many units and departments are made more effective because of these strategies.



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