Sunday, December 18, 2011

Illegal Towing Practices

The following are some of the more common laws that some towing companies violate. We all know that sometimes it seems there are just to many laws, but also we are glad that most of these laws exist because they are protecting us from harm. Our intent here is to educate the general public about illegal practices by some towing companies that can be harmful to the public in general. This information is not to be taken as legal advise as laws change and vary by area. Our area of expertise is southern California. The level of harm to the public can range from wrongfully towed vehicles to uninsured tow drivers and even to crimes against customers physically. At the end of this article will be some tips that can be followed to reduce the risk of exposure to these illegal tow practices.

The most common complaint heard from the public in my experience is "my car was towed without proper cause", followed by "something was stolen from my car while it was being towed". Other issues that come up are disputes over damage to a towed vehicle, disputes about price fairness or changes in price after the vehicle was towed. Sometimes people will be approached by a tow driver and they think he is the driver that they called, when in fact he's not. Storage rates are another area of common dispute. Tow drivers are sometimes not properly licensed to drive the type of tow truck that they are driving. Lets explore these individual issues one at a time and see just what is going on out in the streets.


Starting with the popular issue of vehicles being towed wrongfully we have to say there is some grey area. The laws in California allow for the impounding and removal of illegally parked vehicles on both private and public property. Most of the disputes will arise out of private property impounds such as apartment complex's, shopping centers, business centers and similar. When parking is difficult to find people get impatient and creative. By law signs are required to notify you of the possibility of impound and towing, but they aren't required over every space. The California laws are currently not interpreted the same by all. The area of dispute arises on parking lots for the general public.

Some areas are towing vehicles with out waiting the required 1 hour period in a public lot, while others you can get away with parking illegally for 1 hour. Not all areas have the same interpretation of what a public lot is. Many impounds in private lots such as a gated apartment complex come from people thinking they can just run in for a second while parked illegally. Beware, your car can be hooked up and leaving faster than most people can drink a soda. Towing and impound fees are steep, usually starting at around 0. if you follow your car and retrieve it right away. Most apartment complexes require people to list their car plate number on their lease and even a friend you allow to use your spot can be towed. Some companies are overly aggressive and do not follow the laws for impound towing and it can be next to impossible to prove that they violated the law.

The next issue we will discuss is theft of personal property while in the towed vehicle. Any time a vehicle that is unattended by the owner, and several other people have access to it, there stands to be possibility of property theft. The more valuable the items are and the smaller they are the more likely to be stolen. Items that would be common items to disappear might be cameras, cell phones, ipod's, lap top's, money, CD's, and stereo equipment. Not all tow companies have required background and drug testing to reduce the likelihood of theft. Not all tow companies are reputable companies.

Towed vehicle damage is another area consumers can be hurt. Damages to a vehicle can occur when equipment is not properly maintained. Companies that have little regard for the laws that regulate towing equipment will buy chains, cables, and hooks that are not rated as required by law because they are cheaper. Those same type of companies are apt to hire less experienced or poorly qualified drivers and may not have any training programs in place to educate drivers on safe practices.

While there is not much for options when you don't think the price is fair, know this, it is fraud to tell someone a cost for a service and then change the cost after the consumer is obligated, without proper grounds. Any quality company is going to want your repeat business and will rely on a good reputation and will not practice this type of deceit. Note that there are legitimate reasons for changing the price such as the client failed to inform the tow company of an important fact like the car has no tires. That being said here is the some what unique situation in the towing industry. If the client doesn't pay for the tow, the tow company can impound the car, and to get it back you would have to pay the original tow plus towing to their impound yard and storage fees. A non reputable tow company might practice quoting low pricing then try to add extras or even flat out dispute what was quoted, then threaten impounding if the client doesn't comply.

California laws prohibit tow companies from stopping at a stranded motorist situation for the purpose of soliciting business. It is a common practice though for some companies to stop and try to solicit, and even when the motorist advises that they have a truck on the way some will try to offer a better price to get the job. Some drivers have even just not told the motorist that they are not the company that the motorist called. California law provides for penalties against tow drivers who engage in this activity. This activity puts consumers at risk because they have no way to quickly ascertain weather this is a properly licensed, and insured company or not. It is also risky from the stand point of how many tow trucks would be stopping and then pulling back out into traffic if this practice was legal. There is also a level of safety provided to the public by not allowing just any guy in a tow truck to stop and try to sell you on his service. Imagine how intimidated your wife or daughter might be if some big dirty guy stopped and really wanted to get that tow.

Storage rates and payment options as well as hours of operation of storage facilities are mostly governed by law. Of course the laws are for consumer protection but still do allow for free enterprise and the making of a profit. Most people who have their vehicles impounded would say that the rates charged are excessive, and consumers frequently feel ripped off. There is a logic to that, and it generally goes something like this " If I called 3 or 4 companies and asked how much it would cost to tow my car 4 miles and store it 1 day, I could get a lot better price", however that will not help get money refunded. The only way to get money refunded is if you can prove that the towing company violated the towing laws. Companies that make a practice of abusing consumers in this way are usually good at knowing what is impossible or impractical for a consumer to prove.

Now lets look at the driver of the tow truck that will come to rescue you. In California the DMV requires a special drivers license for certain types of commercial drivers. Tow companies need some drivers with DMV commercial licenses and some drivers may not need special licenses. Furthermore some police agencies or motor clubs may have special requirements that private party towing doesn't. This creates a tempting situation to an unethical company when they are short on commercial licensed drivers or drivers with the special qualifications to do the job properly and legally, and may have a driver available who can drive the truck but is not properly licensed to do so. An unethical company will send the unqualified driver out just to get the job.

As of the writing of this article tow truck drivers in California do not need any special license or training as long as they do not tow more than one trailer and no more than 26,000 pounds total weight of all vehicles, that includes passengers and any thing else that may be in the vehicles. This means that almost every passenger car and family vehicle falls into this category. There is no legal requirement to background check or drug test tow drivers. This means companies are free to hire convicted felons, or who ever they want. Now for the good news, some police agencies and motor clubs do ask for drivers to meet some type of requirements for their tows, but enforcement is weak. Any quality tow company will drug test and background check their drivers as well as insure that the driver is well trained and properly licensed for the truck and tow job they are performing. A quality tow company will also have moral values and want their clients to be safe, thus they would not hire a person convicted of a major crime.

Now that you can see the many ways an unethical tow company can put you, your family, and the general public at risk of harm lets look at some things you can do to reduce the risk of harm.

1. Ask the phone receptionist a few questions. Do you background check all your employees and refuse to hire those convicted of major crimes? Do you do regular random drug testing on all employees? Do you require all drivers to be certified by some industry recognized training program such as CHP training or Wreckmaster before driving for you? Do you quote an accurate total price prior to doing the tow? Is your company a member of any trade associations? Does the receptionist answer your questions politely or seem aggravated by your questions. Obviously the aggravated one is the one to avoid.

2. Have you seen what this company's trucks or employees look like? The unethical and undesirable companies will usually neglect appearance of vehicles, equipment, and employees. Another thing to make note of if you have seen the employees in action is their language, attitudes, and professionalism. These are all hints as to what type of company you are dealing with so be observant.

3. Ask the driver upon arrival and before they hook up your car what the charges will be so there is no misunderstanding of the charges. Remember once they hook up your car and there is a dispute they can impound the car if you don't pay what they ask. Do not leave any valuables in the vehicle once you leave it.

4. When parking, always obey parking rules even on private property. When parked always hide and secure if possible any valuable personal property. Don't take chances and park illegally even for just a minute.

5. Never accept a tow from a driver that stops to solicit, it is an illegal practice and no quality company will be out there breaking the law on purpose. Note that it is legal for a driver to stop if he is waived down, so if you are in an unsafe or dangerous place you will need to signal a driver to allow him to legally stop.

Illegal Towing Practices

Written by David Lee Rupp, President of southern California based, 1800 Tow-Help Inc., serving Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.


How to Get Real Free Starbucks Coupons

Starbucks coupons are very popular and there have been some fake coupons circulating the internet. In order to tell if your coupon is fake you can look for a few things:

There should only be one Starbucks logo.


The counterfeit coupons say redeemable at participating locations and the word participating is misspelled.

The real Starbucks coupons say "not valid if reproduced".

To get free Starbucks coupons, you can register at their official website and give them your email and real address. You will receive coupons in the mail!

Another way to get Starbucks coupons is to buy a Starbucks Gift Card with any amount of money on it. .00 or 0.00 and then go to the Starbucks website and register your gift card by entering the number on the card and you will receive a coupon for a free drink. You will also receive other perks like free vanilla added to your drink, etc.

Starbucks "buy certain number of drinks get one drink free" is in the works thanks to suggestions by customers.

If you need coupons for drinks sold in grocery stores or coffee beans, just look for the coupon machines next to the products. You can also check newspapers, and product packages for coupons.

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How to Get Real Free Starbucks Coupons

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

How to Automate Recurring Invoices in QuickBooks

There are many businesses that send invoices to their customers on a recurring basis-weekly, monthly, quarterly and/or annually. Very few, however, know how to automate recurring invoices in QuickBooks, which can save an enormous amount of time. With a little bit of upfront work and ongoing maintenance, you can send out recurring invoices with just a few clicks.

1. Create a Memorized Transaction Group


a. Go to Lists > Memorized Transaction List
b. Click on the Memorized Transaction button, and select New Group
c. Name the group, select Automatically Enter, How Often and Next Date. For instance, if you are setting up monthly invoices, name it Monthly Invoices, select Monthly, and the date the next set of monthly invoices should go out. If you are setting up annual invoices for the month of June, name it June Invoices, select Annually, and the date the next June invoices should go out

2. Memorize your recurring invoices

a. Open each invoice you want to automatically process on a recurring basis, make sure To be printed and/or To be e-mailed is checked
b. Go to Edit > Memorize Invoice, select With Transactions in Group, and select the group you created above
c. Make sure to close the invoice without recording it

3. Edit the memorized invoices for any changes that occur

a. Go to Lists > Memorized Transaction List
b. Double-click on the invoice you want to modify
c. Make your changes
d. Go to Edit > Memorize Invoice
e. Choose Replace in the popup box
f. Close the invoice without recording it

4. On or after the date the invoices are automatically entered, print out the invoices

a. Go to File > Print Forms > Invoices, click Select All and then OK
b. Go to File >Send Forms, click Select All and then Send Forms

Even better, if you use QuickBooks Merchant Services & Billing Solutions, you can completely automate your invoicing from generation to payment by selecting To be e-mailed or To be mailed through QuickBooks, and Allow online payment before memorizing the invoice.

How to Automate Recurring Invoices in QuickBooks

Ruth Perryman, MBA, CMA, CFE, CFM
is a Certified Advanced QuickBooks ProAdvisor and an Intuit Solutions Provider.

She specializes in customizing QuickBooks Enterprise and POS. She can be reached at 800-707-0940 x101 or You can also follower her on Twitter at

Looking for more QuickBooks Tips & Tricks? Visit our blog or subscribe to our e-zine at


Women Empowerment - Myth Or Reality

You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its women.

- Jawaharlal Nehru


Empowerment of any section of a society is a myth until they are conferred equality before law. The foundation of freedom, justice and fraternity is based on the recognition of the inherent dignity and of equal and inalienable rights to all the members of the society. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted and proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 10th December 1948, envisaged in Article 2 that "every one is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration without distinction of any kind."

It has traditionally been accepted that the thread of family weaves the fabric of Indian society. Women are considered as the hub center of the family. Still, in the era of political domination by foreigners, the women in India suffered most. A few social reform measures were taken towards the later 19th and early 20th century during the British regime. The inception of Mahatma Gandhi in the National freedom movement ushered a new concept of mass mobilization. Women constituted about 50% of the country's total population, he, therefore, involved women in the nation's liberation movement. The mass participation of women directly in the freedom struggle was the great divide in the history of (Feminist movement) empowerment of women. They shed age-old disabilities and shared the responsibility of liberation of their motherland with their counter parts. The freedom of India thus became synonymous with the empowerment of women. In this context the date of India's political freedom (August 15, 1947) is a landmark in the history of women empowerment in India. It brought in its wake a great consciousness in our society for human dignity. It was realized that every citizen of independent India be accorded equal treatment under the law.

This is the urban age and Women along with men are here to make an impact, let's not ignore them, let's listen and prioritize them. In almost all societies through history, Women have occupied secondary position vis-à-vis men.

Women's rights and issues have always been a subject of serious concern of academicians, intelligentsia and policy makers. From pastoral society to contemporary information and global society, the role of Women has changed drastically. The role of a typical "Grihani" (house wife) who catered to all the requirements of the house holds including the rearing and upbringing of children in various sub roles of daughter, daughter-in-law, wife, mother, aunt etc. has been played quite efficiently. The continuity of changes in socio-economic and psycho-cultural aspects of human living has influenced the role of Women. With the process of Industrialization, Modernization and Globalization showing its deep impact on the human society all over the world, the role and responsibilities of Women has attained new definition and perspective. Further this has also led to addition of responsibilities and widened the role of Women who also shares the financial responsibilities.

The Women issues have received tremendous attention in the planning circle and in wide intellectual discussions and forums at national and global platforms. However the existing lacuna in the formulation and execution of the policies has not changed the grass root situation to a great extent. On the encouraging front, in the South Asian countries there have been relatively increasing economic participation in past one decade. Statistically the rate of literacy among Women has also increased. The educational and occupational patterns have also changed and widened with Women entering the domains, which till decade back was considered to be dominated by men. Further there has been encouraging rise in the percentage of the Women joining service sector especially Banking and Information Technology. In the background of the gigantic transformation, the core issue, which still remains unanswered, is that of Women's right and empowerment.

The Women rights are the means by which a dignified living is ensured thereby safeguarding her privileges. Thus the basic fundamental rights of speech, freedom and decision-making are her basic rights as an individual and citizen. The right for education and employment are significant for Women development and national development in the wider sense. The power and freedom to exercise these rights is Women empowerment. Women rights and empowerment are not independent of each other. The Women empowerment can only be facilitated only if she is able to exercise her right in the socio-economic spheres of decision-making.

India, with a population of 989 million, is the world's second most populous country. Of that number, 120 million are Women who live in poverty.

India has 16 percent of the world's population, but only 2.4 percent of its land, resulting in great pressures on its natural resources.

Over 70 percent of India's population currently derives their livelihood from land resources, which includes 84 percent of the economically-active Women.

India is one of the few countries where males significantly outnumber females, and this imbalance has increased over time. India's maternal mortality rates in rural areas are among the worlds highest. From a global perspective, Indian accounts for 19 percent of all lives births and 27 percent of all maternal deaths.

"There seems to be a consensus that higher female mortality between ages one and five and high maternal mortality rates result in a deficit of females in the population. In the year 1990 it was estimated that deaths of young girls in India exceed those of young boys by over 300,000 each year, and every sixth infant death is specifically due to gender discrimination." Of the 15 million baby girls born in India each year, nearly 25 percent will not live to see their 15th birthday.
The Indian constitution grants Women equal rights with men, but strong patriarchal traditions persist, with Women's lives shaped by customs that are centuries old. In most Indian families, a daughter is viewed as a liability, and she is conditioned to believe that she is inferior and subordinate to men. Sons are idolized and celebrated. May you be the mother of a hundred sons is a common Hindu wedding blessing.

The origin of the Indian idea of appropriate female behavior can be traced to the rules laid down by Manu in 200 B.C.: "by a young girl, by a young woman, or even by an aged one, nothing must be done independently, even in her own house". "In childhood a female must be subject to her father, in youth to her husband, when her lord is dead to her sons; a woman must never be independent."


The exceptionally high rates of malnutrition in South Asia are rooted deeply in the soil of inequality between men and Women.

This point is made in the article, The Asian Enigma, published by Unicef in the 1996 Progress of Nations, in which the rates of childhood malnutrition in South Asia are compared with those in Africa. We learn that malnutrition is far worse in South Asia, directly due to the fact that Women in South Asia have less voice and freedom of movement than in Africa despite the fact that in comparison to Africa , Asia is far more better in terms of economy.


India's maternal mortality rates in rural areas are among the highest in the world.
A factor that contributes to India's high maternal mortality rate is the reluctance to seek medical care for pregnancy - it is viewed as a temporary condition that will disappear. The estimates nationwide are that only 40-50 percent of Women receive any antenatal care. Evidence from the states of Bihar, Rajasthan, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat find registration for maternal and child health services to be as low as 5-22 percent in rural areas and 21-51 percent in urban areas.

Even a woman who has had difficulties with previous pregnancies is usually treated with home remedies only for three reasons: the decision that a pregnant woman seek help rests with the mother-in-law and husband; financial considerations; and fear that the treatment may be more harmful than the malady.


"Working conditions result in premature and stillbirths."

The tasks performed by Women are usually those that require them to be in one position for long periods of time, which can adversely affect their reproductive health. A study in a rice-growing belt of coastal Maharashtra found that 40 percent of all infant deaths occurred in the months of July to October. The study also found that a majority of births were either premature or stillbirths. The study attributed this to the squatting position that had to be assumed during July and August, the rice transplanting months.


"Women and girls receive far less education than men, due both to social norms and fears of violence."

India has the largest population of non-school-going working girls.

Although substantial progress has been achieved since India won its independence in 1947, when less than 8 percent of females were literate, the gains have not been rapid enough to keep pace with population growth: there were 16 million more illiterate females in 1991 than in 1981.


"Women work longer hours and their work is more arduous than men's. Still, men report that "Women, like children, eat and do nothing."

Women work roughly twice as many as many hours as men.

Women's contribution to agriculture - whether it be subsistence farming or commercial agriculture - when measured in terms of the number of tasks performed and time spent, is greater than men. "The extent of Women's contribution is aptly highlighted by a micro study conducted in the Indian Himalayas which found that on a one-hectare farm, a pair of bullocks works 1,064 hours, a man 1,212 hours and a woman 3,485 hours in a year."


Women's work is rarely recognized.

Many maintain that Women's economic dependence on men impacts their power within the family. With increased participation in income-earning activities, not only will there be more income for the family, but gender inequality should be reduced. This issue is particularly salient in India because studies show a very low level of female participation in the labor force. This under-reporting is attributed to the frequently held view that Women's work is not economically productive.
Women's employment in family farms or businesses is rarely recognized as economically productive, either by men or Women. And, any income generated from this work is generally controlled by the men. Such work is unlikely to increase Women's participation in allocating family finances. In a 1992 study of family-based texile workers, male children who helped in a home-based handloom mill were given pocket money, but the adult Women and girls were not.


"Violence against Women and girls is the most pervasive human rights violation in the world today."
"Opening the door on the subject of violence against the world's females is like standing at the threshold of an immense dark chamber vibrating with collective anguish, but with the sounds of protest throttled back to a murmur. Where there should be outrage aimed at an intolerable status quo there is instead denial, and the largely passive acceptance of 'the way things are."

Male violence against Women is a worldwide phenomenon. Although not every woman has experienced it, and many expect not to, fear of violence is an important factor in the lives of most Women. It determines what they do, when they do it, where they do it, and with whom. Fear of violence is a cause of Women's lack of participation in activities beyond the home, as well as inside it. Within the home, Women and girls may be subjected to physical and sexual abuse as punishment or as culturally justified assaults. These acts shape their attitude to life, and their expectations of themselves.

In recent years, there has been an alarming rise in atrocities against Women in India. Every 26 minutes a woman is molested. Every 34 minutes a rape takes place. Every 42 minutes a sexual harassment incident occurs. Every 43 minutes a woman is kidnapped. And every 93 minutes a woman is burnt to death over dowry.

One-quarter of the reported rapes involve girls under the age of 16 but the vast majority are never reported. Although the penalty is severe, convictions are rare.


Legal protection of Women's rights have little effect in the face of prevailing patriarchal traditions.
Be it in the case of Marriage:

"Women are subordinate in most marriages."

Child Marriages

"Child marriages keep Women subjugated."


Women are kept subordinate, and are even murdered, by the practice of dowry.


Divorce is not a viable option.

Divorce is rare - it is a considered a shameful admission of a woman's failure as a wife and daughter-in-law. In 1990, divorced Women made up a miniscule 0.08 percent of the total female population.

Maintenance rights of Women in the case of divorce are weak. Although both Hindu and Muslim law recognize the rights of Women and children to maintenance, in practice, maintenance is rarely set at a sufficient amount and is frequently violated.


Women's rights to inheritance are limited and frequently violated.

In the mid-1950s the Hindu personal laws, which apply to all Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs and Jains, were overhauled, banning polygamy and giving Women rights to inheritance, adoption and divorce. The Muslim personal laws differ considerably from that of the Hindus, and permit polygamy. Despite various laws protecting Women's rights, traditional patriarchal attitudes still prevail and are strengthened and perpetuated in the home.


The World Bank has identified empowerment as one of the key constituent elements of poverty reduction, and as a primary development assistance goal. The Bank has also made gender mainstreaming a priority in development assistance, and is in the process of implementing an ambitious strategy to this effect. The promotion of Women's empowerment as a development goal is based on a dual argument: that social justice is an important aspect of human welfare and is intrinsically worth pursuing; and that Women's empowerment is a means to other ends. A recent policy research report by the World Bank, for example, identifies gender equality both as a development objective in itself, and as a means to promote growth, reduce poverty and promote better governance. A similar dual rationale for supporting Women's empowerment has been articulated in the policy statements put forth at several high level international conferences in the past decade (e.g. the Beijing Platform for Action, the Beijing declaration and resolution, the Cairo Programme of Action, the Millennium Declaration, and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

Yet to date neither the World Bank nor any other major development agency has developed a rigorous method for measuring and tracking changes in levels of empowerment. In the absence of such measures, it is difficult for the international development community to be confident that their efforts to empower women are succeeding and that this important Millennium Development Goal will be achieved.

Thus, this review attempts to the following:

1. An indication of the different ways in which empowerment has been conceptualized;

2. A critical examination of some of the approaches that have been developed to measure and track changes in Women's empowerment;

3. An examination of some of the ways in which the effects of policies and programmatic interventions to promote Women's empowerment have been measured;

4. A summary of the evidence on how Women's empowerment affects important development outcomes such as health, education, fertility behavior, income levels, etc.

How Should Empowerment be Operationally Defined?

"Empowerment" has been used to represent a wide range of concepts and to describe a proliferation of outcomes. The term has been used more often to advocate for certain types of policies and intervention strategies than to analyze them, as demonstrated by a number of documents from the United Nations, the Association for Women in Development, the Declaration made at the Micro-credit Summit, and other organizations. Feminist activist writings often promote empowerment of individuals and organizations of Women but vary in the extent to which they conceptualize or discuss how to identify it.

Relevant studies describe empowerment as "the enhancement of assets and capabilities of diverse individuals and groups to engage, influence and hold accountable the institutions which affect them." In general, Women do not take a central place in much of the literature on social inclusion or empowerment.

The Process of Empowerment

There are various attempts in the literature to develop a comprehensive understanding of empowerment through breaking the process down into key components.


Measuring Empowerment from a Universalist Perspective

As we move from a discussion of conceptualizing empowerment to measuring it, it is important to note that measures of empowerment must involve standards that lie outside localized gender systems and a recognition of universal elements of gender subordination.

As we move from a discussion of conceptualizing empowerment to measuring it, it is important to note that measures of empowerment must involve standards that lie outside localized gender systems and a recognition of universal elements of gender subordination (Sen and Grown 1987; Bisnath and Elson 1999; Nussbaum 2000). It is clear from the literature on gender and empowerment that the role of gender in development cannot be understood without understanding the socio-cultural (as well as political and economic) contexts in which development takes place. The concept of empowerment only has meaning within these specific contexts. At the same time, operational definitions (e.g. definitions embodied in indicators to be applied in the context of development assistance policies, programs, and projects) should be consistent with the spirit of international conventions to which countries providing international development assistance have been signatories. The approach based in universal human rights offers the best operational framework for this task.

Because empowerment is multi-dimensional, researchers must use care in constructing index or scale variables relating to empowerment Such variables may mask differential effects of interventions on distinct aspects of empowerment. Inappropriate combining of items relating to gender and empowerment may also mask differential effects of the component variables on outcomes of interest.


Empowerment is Context Specific

One of the major difficulties in measuring empowerment is that the behaviors and attributes that signify empowerment in one context often have different meanings elsewhere. For example, a shift in women's ability to visit a health center without getting permission from a male household member may be a sign of empowerment in rural Bangladesh but not in, for example, urban Peru. Context can also be important in determining the extent to which empowerment at the household or individual level is a determinant of development outcomes.


There are certain critical paradigms, which need to be examined from the point of view of women issues.

1. Constitutional Provisions and Policies: The principle of gender equality is enshrined in the Constitution of India (in the Preamble and fundamental rights) where by the constitution upholds and grants the equality to women. The National commission for women, which was set up in 1990 through an Act of Parliament to safeguard the rights and legal entitlements of women, is considered to be the apex body to ensure rights and work towards the women empowerment. In terms of five-year plans the fifth five-year plan (1974-78) is considered to be very crucial from the point of view of women development with 1975 being declared as International Year of Women.
The 73rd and 74th Amendments of constitution of India in 1993 are landmarks to ensure political empowerment of women. These provisions surely ensure of legal protection of women's rights, but socio-economic rights of freedom and decision-making is still not realized to the extent of social empowerment. One of the reasons is the rigid patriarchal structure of the Indian Society.

National Policy for the empowerment of women (2001):

The goal of the National Policy for the empowerment of women is to bring about the advancement, development and empowerment of women. Some of the specific objectives of this policy are: a) Creating an environment through positive economic and social policies for full development of women to enable them to realize their full potential, b) Equal access to health care, quality education at all levels, career and vocational guidance etc, c) Elimination of discrimination and all forms of violence against women and girl child.

The policy also provides for economic empowerment through poverty eradication, micro credit programmes, training of women to facilitate them in playing efficient role in agriculture and industry. The social empowerment of women is facilitated through effective provisions of Education, Health, Nutrition, Drinking water and Sanitation, gender sensitization etc. Elimination of all forms of violence against women, physical and mental, whether at domestic or societal levels, including those arising from customs, traditions and accepted practices.

The effective implementation of the policy at all levels can be a gigantic step for women development and can set an example for other countries in South Asia.


Empowerment of women is a gradual and complicated process. It involves changing the way of thinking of the whole society. From long time it has been stamped on the minds of the people that women are inferior to men. It is not easy to change the stubborn attitude of the people. In rural India, Women have inadequate access to education, health facilities, healthy diet etc.

In India gradually the percentage of working women is rising. Only by contributing towards income of the family the women can get rid of the status of "burden".

Entrepreneur women can positively contribute to attain the goal of women empowerment. Entrepreneurship provides women for what she is longing for - control over the resources and power of decision making. Such women can help in poverty alleviation by providing job opportunities for many other deserving women.

Surveys have proved that a large percentage of educated but not trained women are present in the country. Such women can be given training in a specific field like making homemade papads or pickles, handicrafts and many such things and can start their own small enterprise.

Self-employment is a blessing for poor and deserving women as sufficient job opportunities are not available in the country. In small sector, the women may be owner of the enterprise may be a manager or controller or may be a worker in the enterprise.

Tenth plan is initiating women empowerment by implementing specific strategies like such social environment would be created by providing necessary services so that women would be proficient to utilize their potential, To make the women economically self-reliant, proper training would be provided to them. Equal rights for the women would be provided so that there is no social, political discrimination against her.

In the present scenario, where phenomenal advancements are occurring in each and every sphere, women empowerment has become crucial for alleviating poverty and procuring over all growth.
We can not abscond the fact that Women's rights are human rights and should be treated as such. .The fact that women's rights need to be safeguarded in every country of the world cannot be overemphasized. In a historic decision, the Rajasthan government is changing the service rules to punish employees who are found guilty of torturing their wives. As reported in a national daily, the punishment could involve sacking and action would correspond the crime, with punishments including suspension and stoppage of increments.

A small step forward in terms of marriage was taken when the Hindu Marriage Act was enacted in 1955. The term Hindu in this case includes Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs and their denominations. Several laws have been enacted including the Child Marriage Restraint Act of 1929 and the current Special Marriage Act,1954 which governs civil marriages. In this Act, for a boy and girl to get married they must have completed 21 and 18 years of age respectively. Bigamy is prohibited in this Act and each party is expected to give consent to the marriage. For a civil marriage, three witnesses are necessary. Progressive laws such as these protect the woman. Under the Islamic law, marriage is considered a contract and a nikaah is performed with several do's and don'ts. The Parsis are governed by the Parsi Marriage and Divorce Act, 1936. Christians are governed by the Christian Marriage Act, 1872 and the marriage usually takes place in a church.

The report on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) released by the Government recently mentions the steps taken by it to contain the negative impact of restructuring of the economy that India has embarked upon. The Government of India made special efforts to increase its support for social sectors and started a number of schemes aimed at the poor, particularly poor women and women in the informal sector. These include the Rashtriya Mahila Kosh and the Mahila Samakhya programs.

Keeping in line with the governmentýs policy on equal opportunity, there are 65 women in senior positions in the Indian Foreign Service around the world. For the first time after Independence the highest post in the Foreign Service, is to be occupied by a female foreign secretary, Chokila Iyer. It is commendable that despite various hurdles and mindsets, the Government has managed to ensure equal career opportunities for women.

The government has taken a number of steps and enacted a number of legislations to protect and safeguard women and ensure that their rights are not abused. One such measure is the Maternity Benefits Act, 1961.


We propose the following next steps for moving forward the agenda on measuring women's empowerment:

1. Development of a framework of domains or dimensions that can be applied across settings would be the natural next step for building on the strengths of the existing literature on the conceptualization of empowerment. Procedures for determining indicators for each domain, at different levels of aggregation, and across contexts, should also be developed. This effort would move the measurement of women's empowerment agenda forward considerably by allowing for greater specification of exactly what aspect of empowerment-i.e. which dimension-is of interest, and realistic specifications of the type of change that can be expected over a specific period of time, and given specific interventions. It would also move forward efforts to develop context-specific measures that more closely resemble what they are meant to measure and reduce the reliance on proxy measures.

2. Better, more coordinated efforts at data collection are needed. For example, the process component of women's empowerment cannot be effectively captured in any measurement scheme without the availability of data across time. Attention to process also requires a discussion of the appropriate time periods for data collection of various types of indicators. At the aggregate level, a broader range of more sophisticated, gender- disaggregated data are needed with regard to the labor force, market conditions, legal and political rights, political and social processes. At the household level, data need to be more frequently collected for important, but relatively under-utilized indicators such as time use or violence against women.

3. Greater attention to measuring women's empowerment at "meso" levels is required along with efforts at documenting the impact of program and policy interventions. For programmatic and policy evaluation, existing models of monitoring and evaluation that are effective need to be tapped, and their adequacy for women's empowerment as an outcome or intermediary process should be assessed. At a minimum, quasi-experimental evaluation designs and the collection of baseline and endline data must be considered in implementing programs aimed at empowering women. Measurement of institutional and normative change in communities requires new and innovative approaches. One approach to consider is the business school model of case studies. Documentation through narratives which are then analyzed using qualitative techniques would be another option. Exploration of the work on collective action may also provide further guidance. This is clearly an area where a review of lessons learned from related efforts and cross- disciplinary approaches would be helpful.

4. Greater interdisciplinary engagement is necessary to develop indicators and approaches that capture the key elements of women's empowerment, have scientific merit, and acceptability among important stakeholders. Although at this stage we have drawn only from literature that has been at the core of the discourse on women's empowerment, it is clear that continued efforts at moving this work forward would benefit from drawing on a wide range of disciplines. Moreover, based on what we reviewed from sociology, demography, economics, and anthropology, it is clear that there is overlap, but not much interaction across disciplines. Further interdisciplinary engagement would greatly facilitate the task of translating the current consensus on conceptualization to the actual measurement of women's empowerment.


As UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has stated, "Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance."

In a globalizing world, gender equality and empowerments of women are vital tools-to achieve sustainable developments of societies, and are even admitted by the fools!
Still, the violence towards women is an epidemic against which no country is immune-
And today, we face the greater challenges of human rights and a non-melodious tune!
In the arena of politics, the poor are excluded from governance, regardless of the gender- And women are victims of other people's decisions 'Cause they are assumed to be tender! So the entire spectrum of women's roles to combat poverty, hunger, and disease- Need to be re-examined under the new Millennium lights before the roles decease! Impacts of modern conflicts now affect the global women and girls without a doubt- But they're neither initiators nor prosecutors of conflicts, or matching game of shout! Determined efforts must be taken to end the impunity surrounding this lamentable claw- And the perpetrators must be brought to justice, and told that they are not above the law!

Only through action to remedy discrimination against women can the vision of India's independence - an India where all people have the chance to live health and productive lives - be realized.

Women Empowerment - Myth Or Reality


How to Work Out a Budget and Stick to It!

Working out a budget for your bills is easy. Working out a budget for everything else seems nearly impossible. I mean, how can you say that you will only spend on fruit and vegetables when they are sold by weights? To do this, you would have to carry a calculator with you when you went shopping and weigh everything before you bought it. This is beside the fact that the price of food seems to be continually on the rise. The same can be said for petrol. If you use 20 litres a week, what do you do when the price changes? You would need to rearrange your whole budget.

The solution to this problem is to budget for the most you think you would spend on these items. This way, if you don't spend as much, you will have saved money that you can then put away for emergencies.


So how do you create your budget in the first place? Many people will tell you to start by writing down everything you spend money on for the next month. What if you want to start your budget now, instead of in a month's time? Also if you have bills that only come every three or six months or even yearly, they won't be included if you work out your budget from just one month of spending.

Let's look at it from a different perspective. The first thing I look at is my regular bills. Things like rent, electricity, phone, insurance, car registration, loan repayments etc. These are all regular bills that need to be paid on time and are generally about the same amount each bill cycle. Therefore, the first step is to write down all of these bills and how much you will have to pay. The next step is to work out a yearly figure for each bill. For those bills that come monthly, you multiply the amount by 12. For three monthly bills, multiply by four and six monthly bills are multiplied by two. Then we need to work out how much these bills will cost us each pay period. If you are paid weekly, you would divide the yearly amount by 52. If you are paid fortnightly, you would divide by 26 and if you are paid monthly, you would divide by 12. This gives you the amount you need to budget for each pay period. The remainder of your pay is then used for food, petrol, normal living expenses and savings. Most people have a general idea on how much they pay each week for these items so that amount is used for your budget.

Now that we have our budget, how do we make sure that we stick to it? The first step is to make sure that our bill money that we are budgeting for is not left in our everyday bank account. The temptation to spend can be too great if the money is easily accessed. I heard about a system a few years ago where you get yourself a folder with plastic sheet protectors in it and have one for each of your bills. Then each week you put your budgeted amount of money into the relevant pockets so that when the bill comes in you just pull out the cash and pay it. The one big flaw with this system is that you end up with a lot of cash in your house. There is nothing to stop you from "borrowing" from your bill money and there is also the risk of having it stolen.

I recommend that you set up a separate bank account for your bill money. This account would ideally not come with an eftpos card but be accessed by telephone and internet banking. Most bills can be paid by bpay so when your bills come in you can pay them directly out of your bill saving account.

How to Work Out a Budget and Stick to It!

Glenda Lange is a bookkeeper with 21 years experience and a Certificate in Commerce from USQ. She is the author of Beginners Guide to Basic Bookkeeping [] for Small Business and the owner of []


Friday, December 16, 2011

Non Profit Organization Accounting

Certainly, proper accounting is essential for non-trading institutions. These concerns maintain, generally, a cash book and later they prepare a summary of cash transactions appearing in the cash book. This summary takes the form of an account known as receipts and payments account.

Such concerns also prepare 'income and expenditure account' (which is more or less on the lines of profit and loss account) and the Balance Sheet.


The day-to-day accounting consists of maintaining.

(i) Cash book for recording receipts and payments, and

(ii) Ledger for classification of transactions under proper heads.

Receipts and payments account

It is a summary of cash book for a given period, but the Receipts and Payments account shows the totals of cash transactions under different heads. All the receipts, be cheque or cash are entered on the debit (receipts) side (as in cash book) whereas all the payments (both by cheque or cash) are shown on the credit (payments) side. Following features of the receipts and payments account will help to identify its nature clearly :

1. It is a summary of cash book, like a cash book, receipts are shown on the debit side and
payments on the credit side.

2. Cash and bank items are merged in one column. That means receipts in cash as-well-as by , cheque are entered in one column on debit and payments in cash as-well-as by cheque are entered in one column on credit side. Contra entries between cash and bank get eliminated.

3. It is not a part of double entry book-keeping. It is just a summary of cash book which is a , part of double entry system.

4. Just like cash book, it starts with the opening balance of cash and bank and closes with the closing balance of cash and bank.

5. Both revenue and capital receipts and payments are recorded in this account. For example, ...An organization that is exclusively set up to carryon with the object of carrying out social service or promo & organization of social activities, is a non-trading enterprise. payment for rent and payment for building and machinery both are recorded on its payments side. Similarly, receipts on account of subscription and machinery are shown on the receipts side.

6. Usually, it shows a debit balance which represents cash in hand and at bank. However, in case of bank overdraft, which is larger than cash in hand, the account will show a credit balance.

7. Receipts and payments account fails to disclose gain or loss made by the concern during the period because (a) it is prepared on actual receipt basis i.e. it records all receipts-irrespective of the period to which it relates (previous year, current year or future), (b) it also ignores the nature of the receipts and payments (whether capital or revenue). I

8. Accounting concept of gain or loss is based on "accrual concept" which by its very nature "receipts and payments account" is not capable of considering. Therefore, fails to disclose gain or loss (earned or suffered by the concern) during the period. For example, this account ignores: !

(i) Decrease or increase i.e. depreciation or appreciation in the value of assets;

(ii) Increase or decrease in the value of stock;

(iii) Provision for expenses incurred but payments not made-outstanding expenses.

(iv) Accounting for payment in advance for the services to be utilized in the next accounting period-prepaid expenses.
It also fails to distinguish between:

(v) Capital and revenue payments-whether expenditure or purchase of an asset, and

(vi) Business charge and appropriation- whether business expenditure or drawings.

Limitations of receipts and payments account

Receipts and payments account suffers from following limitations :

(a) It does not show expenses and incomes on accrual basis.

(b) It does not show whether the club or society is able to meet its day-to-day expenses out of its incomes.

(c) It does not show expenses on account of depreciation of assets.

(d) It does not explain the details about many expenses and incomes. In order to explain such questions, treasurer of the club prepares 'Income and expenditure account' and balance sheet.

Income and expenditure account

This account is prepared by non-trading concerns who want to know if during the financial year their income has been more than their expenditure i.e. profit or vice versa ( i.e. loss). Since the object of these concerns is not primarily to' earn profit, therefore, they feel shy in giving it the name of profit and loss account. Because the word 'profit' is a taboo which any society 'looks down upon'. Of course, it discloses whether the concerned institution earned or lost.

It is equivalent to and serves the purpose of 'profit and loss account'.

It is prepared on "accrual basis" (not on receipt basis) meaning thereby that all incomes are to be included which have been earned in the relevant period (whether actually received or not). Similarly, it includes all expenses incurred in the relevant period (whether actually paid or not). This account serves exactly the purpose which 'profit and loss account' serves in a trading concern. On the pattern of 'profit and loss account' income is shown on the credit side and expenditure on the debit side. It also distinguishes between 'capital & revenue' items i.e. it does not take into consideration capital items {both receipts and payments). It follows double entry principles faithfully.

Balance Sheet

The balance sheet of a non-trading concern is on usual lines. Liabilities on left hand side and assets on right hand side. In trading concerns, excess of assets over liabilities is called 'capital'. Here, in non-trading concerns, excess of assets over liabilities is called 'capital fund'. The capital fund is built up out of surplus from income and expenditure account.

Distinction between "receipts and payments account" and "Income and expenditure account" :

Receipts and Payments Account

1. It is a real account.

2. It need not be accompanied by a balance sheet.

3. It is like a cash book.

4. Closing balance is carried forward to the next period.

5. Debit side is for receipts and credit side is for payments.

6. Closing balance represents cash in hand and at bank.

7. It includes both capital and revenue items.

8. It usually shows a debit balance.

9. It ignores outstanding items.

10. It ignores credit sales and purchases.

11. It includes prepaid items.

12. It begins with a balance.

13. It includes items relating to past, present or future periods.

14. It is not a part of double entry system.

15. It ignores non-cash items like depreciation, bad debts etc.

Income and Expenditure Account

1. It is a nominal account.

2. Must be accompanied by a balance sheet.

3. It is like a profit & loss account.

4. Closing balance is merged into capital fund.

5. Debit side is for expenses and credit side for incomes.

6. Closing balance represents either surplus or deficiency.

7. It includes only revenue items.

8. It may show a debit or credit balance.

9. It records outstanding items.

10. It records credit sales and purchases.

11. It excludes prepaid items.

12. It does not begin with a balance.

13. It includes items relating to current period only.

14. It is a part of double entry system.

15. It records non-cash items like depreciation, bad debts etc.

Peculiar items of non-trading concern's

Generally, in the exercises, the instructions are given as to the treatment of special items. Such instructions are based on the rules of the concern. These should be followed while solving the question. In cases, where no specific instructions are given, the following guidelines may be considered:

1. Legacy

It is the amount received by the concern as per the 'will' of the 'donor'. It appears
on the receipts side of receipts and payments account. It should not be considered as income but should be treated as capital receipt i.e. credited to capital fund account.

2. Subscriptions

The members of the associations, as per rules, are, generally, required to make
annual subscription to enable it to serve the purpose for which it was created. It appears on the receipts side of the receipts and payments account and is, usually, credited to income. Care must be exercised to take credit for only those subscriptions which are relevant.

3. Life membership fees

Generally, the members are required to make the payment in a lump sum only once which enables them to become the members for whole of the life. Life members are not required to pay the annual membership fees. As 'life membership fees' is a substitute for 'annual membership fees', therefore, it is desirable that life membership fees should be credited to a separate fund and fair proportion be credited to income in subsequent years. In the
examination question, if there is no instruction as to what proportion be treated as income then whole of it should be treated as capital.

4. Entrance fees

This is also an item to be found on the receipts side of receipts and payments account. There are arguments that it should be treated as capital receipt because entrance fees is to be paid by every member only once (i.e. when enrolled as memer, hence it is nonrecurring in nature. But another argument is that since members to be enrolled every year and receipt of entrance fees is a regular item, therefore, it should -be credited to income. In the absence of the instructions anyone of the above treatment may be followed but students should append a note justifying their treatment.

5. Sale of newspapers, periodicals, etc.

As the old newspapers, magazines, and periodicals etc. are to be disposed of every year, the receipts on account of such sale should be treated as income, and therefore, to be credited to income and expenditure account.

6. Sale of sports material.

Sale of sports material (used) is also a regular feature of the clubs. Sale proceeds should be treated as income, and therefore, to be credited to income and expenditure account.

7. Honorarium

Persons may be invited to deliver lectures or artists may be invited to give their performance by a club (for its members). Any money, paid to invitees, is termed as honorarium and not salary. Such honorarium represents expenditure and will be debited to income and expenditure account.

8. Special fund

Legacies and donations may be received for specified purposes. As discussed above, these should be credited to special fund all expenses related to such fund are shown by way of deduction from the respective fund and not as expenditure in income and expenditure account.

9. Sale of old asset

It is a non-recurring item. It cannot be taken to income and expenditure account. It leads to reduction in asset. Therefore, it is shown by way of deduction from the concerned asset. It is important to note that it is the "book value" that is to be deducted from asset. Profit or loss in such a case is taken to income and expenditure account. Where the book value of asset is nil, the entire proceeds of sale be treated as income.

10. Specific Donations

These are received for specific purpose. For example: Donation for building; Donation for prizes; Donation for pavilion etc. These are capital receipts and shown on liabilities side. It is worthy to note that such donations should not be treated as income because if they are taken to income and expenditure account, it will increase income. The increased income may be utilized for any other purpose. Thus, the purpose of donation will not be served. Such donations appear on the liability side because they create a long term obligation (liability) on the institution. For example a donor may wish that prizes may be awarded year after year out of the income earned on his donations. Such a donation account can't be closed within a year by transferring to income and expenditure account.

11. General donations

These donations are not for any specific purpose and being a recurring income they are to be treated as income and are shown on the income side of income and expenditure account.

12. Endowment fund

It represents donation for a specific purpose. Here, the object of the donor is to provide a source of permanent income to the institution. Thus, it is shown in the liability side of balance sheet. Any income earned during the year in such fund is added to it and any expenditure incurred during the year is deducted from it.

13. Proceeds of concerts, lectures and dramas or cultural shows

A concert is a program of musical entertainment. Concerts and lectures of eminent personalities are arranged in aid of charitable Accounts of Non-Trading institutions. Amount in the income side of institutions. Amount collected from such shows by sale of tickets is an income of institution and shown in the income side of income and expenditure account.

14. Govt. grants. These grants are of two types :

(i) Maintenance grants; and

(ii) Development grants.

The maintenance grants are for meeting recurring expenses. These are treated as income and shown in the income side of income and expenditure account. The development grant is for acquiring assets. A development grant is a liability.

15. Accumulated (Capital) Fund

All entities, profit seeking on non-profit seeking require money for carrying out their activities. In business organization such money is called capital while in case of non-profit organizations it is known by various names such as Capital fund or Accumulated fund.

It represents the surplus of assets over outside liabilities of the organization. It is usually made up by special donations; legacies; capitalization of admission fee ; life membership fee etc. It is increased (or decreased) by any surplus (or deficit) on the Income and Expenditure account. Some of the lesser known names given to this item are General fund or Surplus account.

Non Profit Organization Accounting

The author is an engineering graduate, B.E.(Hons), and is managing his own software development firm, HiTech Computer Services, that mainly deals in accounting, billing and inventory control software for traders, industries, business houses, hotels, hospitals, medical stores, newspapers, magazines, petrol pumps, automobile dealers, commodity brokers and other business segments, website and web application development for business. The software are available both for intranet and internet. These software are available for download from the website:

Evaluation version accounting software download is available at

Copy of the article and full Financial Accounting Primer or Tutorial is available at

Visit HiTech Computer Services at


Does My Ex Still Have Feelings For Me? 3 Earth Shattering Ways to Find Out For Sure

So are you over and done with your ex but still have doubts that he/she still has feelings towards you? You see often when couples try to become friends after it's really over they tend to get mixed signals where their ex might or might not have feelings for them. But before you make any sort of a move you should be absolutely certain about it or it will only make the situation worse than what it is right now. Read on to discover some of the most effective ways to find out whether your ex still has feelings for you or not...

Does he/she call you almost everyday- If your ex still talking to you regularly even he/she knows that the relationship is over? You see he/she might act like a friend but might actually mean something else. If your ex is still in constant touch and still has a habit of talking to you everyday then it's more than obvious that your ex still has feelings towards you and probably wants to get back with you.


You are getting mixed signals all the time- Does it seem like some days he/she just talks to you the way they always used to talk to you and the very next moment they act in a different manner? If your ex gives you constant mixed signals then they have feelings for you for sure. You see the reason behind this is that they aren't even sure themselves about it which means there mind tells them to move on but their heart tells them to stay.

They would try to stop you from dating again- Does it seem like your ex gets jealous whenever you mention going out with someone else? Do they just try to suggest you into not going out and dating again? If this is the case then it's more than obvious that your ex still have strong feelings towards you.

Does My Ex Still Have Feelings For Me? 3 Earth Shattering Ways to Find Out For Sure

An absolute must know for you- Do you want your ex back? Now listen carefully. There are a set of astonishingly powerful techniques which will get your ex begging you to date them again. These techniques are so strong that no matter how bad your situation was you are GUARANTEED to get your ex back. So...don't sit back and relax. These are the secrets you simply can not afford to miss at any cost. I strongly urge you to read everything very carefully on the next page. Follow this link- Tell Me The Secrets


How Much Do Home Appraisals Cost?

So you want to know how much do home appraisals cost?  Well, the price of a home appraisal varies depending on the type of appraisal you want.  There is no doubt that getting an accurate home appraisal, if you are a buyer or seller of property, will save you money.  This article will explain the most popular types of home appraisals and how much they cost.

Professional Home Appraisal - When buying a home you will most likely have to get a professional property appraiser to appraise your home's value.  This is not to protect the buyer, but instead it is to protect the bank that is lending you money.  The appraisals normally cost between 0 to 0 dollars depending on where you live and the size of the home.  This type of appraisal is fairly accurate. The appraiser will come to the home for a couple of hours, take pictures and then provide a report in a day or two.


Real Estate Agents - You can sometimes get an agent to give you an estimate of your homes value.  The agent will hope to get your business and will be willing to provide a free estimate.  I recommend finding an experienced real estate agent who is familiar with your neighborhood.  I would also recommend that you get two or three agents to give you estimates.

Online Home Appraisals - There are companies on the internet that will provide home appraisals based on historical data.  These estimates range in price from free to around . Try using some of the free sites first to get an idea of the value of your home or the one you plan on buying.  Most of these websites will ask for general information about your home and give you an estimate within seconds.

How Much Do Home Appraisals Cost?

For more information on how much home appraisals cost visit where you will find free home appraisal tools and information on where to get a free home appraisal estimate.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

How Much Does Direct Mail Cost?

As with any business proposition, the cost associated in a direct mail campaign is usually an important factor that is considered by advertisers before they opt for it. The cost that a direct mail advertising campaign might incur depends on a lot of variable factors ranging from the kind target list of addressees that is to be procured to the quality of paper that is used to print the advertising on.

Some of the main variables on which the cost of a direct mail campaign depends on are:


1. The list of recipients that is procured from a direct mailing list broker - The cost of such a list could vary from 20 USD per thousand addresses to around 200 USD. This is a very important factor on which corners shouldn't be cut for the sake of reducing costs as the success of the campaign is directly linked to the kind of audience which is targeted. If the targeted recipients have no use for the particular product that the advertiser seeks to sell, then the whole purpose of the direct mail campaign is lost. For example, it won't be a successful investment to procure a list of recipients who are singles without issues for a campaign intending to sell baby food, and baby products as most of these singles would not be interested in the product.

2. Quality of the direct mail campaign - If you intend to send out letters or catalogs that are printed on glossy paper with colorful designs and pictures on them, the cost might be much greater than a simple paper mail with printed words on cheap paper. Since most postal services charge on the basis of the size of the mail or its weight, with the costs increasing corresponding to the increase in size and weight of the mail package, it would be prudent to go in for sleek and to the point direct mail ad campaigns, that can reduce the costs considerably.

3. Postage - Postage makes up the bulk of the campaign cost but can be as low as 12.7 cents.

Direct mail marketing is a costly form of advertising campaign that can be embarked upon and yet is the most successful. The cost incurred from start to finish after considering the above factors would be anywhere between fifty cents to a dollar per direct mail. The thing to look out for is the return on the investment that you could get, even if you end up spending a lot of money on the campaign.

If on an average, a thousand mails would generate 20 leads and each of the leads significantly covers the cost of the campaign as well as generates the envisioned profit margin, then it is worth going for such a mode of advertisement. Most postal services offer reduced rates for direct mail campaign permits that allow the advertiser to cut costs on this front. The US postal service offers many direct mailing packages that a prospective advertiser could choose from, depending on his needs.

How Much Does Direct Mail Cost?

In closing, targeting your direct mail marketing is a great way to improve your response rate.

Daniel Bernal is the Vice President at which offers direct response mail tips & services.


Limited Liability Corporation Definition

A limited liability corporation can be defined as a unique legal business unit generated from an amalgamation of the various characteristics of partnership and corporation. It has a separate existence distinct from other business models like sole proprietorship, partnership and corporation. Although this concept is novel for United States, it has long been adopted in various other countries. This distinctive business model has been adopted from the German GmBH model.

All the 50 states in the United States allow the formation of limited liability corporations, although the laws governing them in each state may be distinct. Certain jurisdictions, for example, allow only legal practitioners and lawyers to form such corporations. In some states, banks or farms are not allowed to form limited liability corporations.


A limited liability corporation is an exclusive business structure which provides the personal liability shield or limited liability protection found in a corporation. It provides taxation advantages (no double taxation) as well as the flexible ownership, investment, control, management and free flow of profit and loss characterizing partnerships.

Limited liability entails the observation of less formality than that observed in a corporation, and relatively more formalities than sole proprietorship. Limited liability corporations are also defined as a legal company or business enterprise set up by filing the article of organization with the proper statutory authority of the state, thereby giving the members the advantage of limited liability as well as protecting them from double taxation (individual tax and company tax).

Limited liability corporations, like conventional corporations, do not hold the members liable for the losses, debts or bankruptcy of the business entity. Hence the members are not held individually or personally liable unless there are personal guarantees or fraud. Unlike corporations, limited liability corporations do not provide the option of transferability of membership, continual existence, and single ownership when there is more then one member.

Limited liability companies are also defined as a US corporate body which resembles the GmbH German model, where the membership and share holding is not transferable in the absence of unanimous consent of all the members. An operating agreement drafted by all the members determines the smooth functioning of the corporate structure. All members have the right of participation in managerial meeting.

Limited Liability Corporation Definition

Limited Liability Corporations provides detailed information on Limited Liability Corporation, Limited Liability Corporation Definition, Limited Liability Corporation Advantages, Limited Liability Corporation Forms and more. Limited Liability Corporations is affiliated with S Corporation Forms [].


Auto Rental Discounts - Find a Cheap Rental Car

When you go on vacation one of the expenses that you need to figure in is a rental car. There is nothing worse to be on vacation and you have no way to get around so finding a rental car can be crucial. You want to find the best rental car that you can for the best price possible and there are some things you need to know before you make a reservation. The first thing is to know that you will always get a better price if you can pick up the rental car away from the airport and this is not always possible but if you can it will benefit you.

When searching online for a vacation you should also pay attention at the end of the booking process because in many cases they will offer some add-ons to your trip. If you know that you are going to need a rental car then you may be able to save a lot of money by adding it to your existing trip rather than waiting and booking it at a later time. When searching online for a low cost rental car option you want to compare different sites because you will see a variation in price at the different sites.


Remember that when you are booking a vacation it is important for you to find a low cost rental car. You want to check with the vacation site that you are booking with to see if they have a discount add on for a rental car. Also you want to always compare pricing for a rental car form a varieties of sites before you make your final decision.

Auto Rental Discounts - Find a Cheap Rental Car

Find: Cheap Rental Car

Get the: Best Rental Car Deal

Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Discount Airfares and Cheap Vacations


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What Is The Difference Between ERP And Enterprise System?

Enterprise system and Enterprise Resource Planning System terms are similar but there is difference between an enterprise system and an ERP system. An ES or enterprise system is a large scale system which includes packages like ERP and CRM. ERP is a subset of Enterprise System or it can be said that ES is a superset of ERP. It contains a variety of solutions. ES contains applications and packaged solutions which can be directly used in an enterprise. On the other hand ERP system is the automation of the business processes and the solutions are in the form of modules which are designed according to the client's requirements.

The functions are customized according to the client's business environment. Enterprise system does not include architecture of other solutions whereas an ERP implementation automates systems using technical aspects. ERP system includes architectures and databases and is client server architecture. The system is server based therefore the consultant needs to be aware of the technical aspect too.


Another difference between an ES and an ERP system is that the ERP is aimed at improving the functionalities of the organization whereas the ES helps to improve the overall maintenance and accuracy. It provides for better solutions and aids in decision making. ES is difficult to implement compared to Enterprise resource planning and even the timeframe needed for implementation maybe more. The overall impact is high but so are the risks involved. If the ES is not implemented in the right manner, it can cause business failure and if implemented properly it can increase the efficiency and profits of the business organization. It is normally required when there is a big drawback in the current procedures and methodologies in the organization and need to be corrected. The company going in for enterprise system needs to be careful while choosing the software and the vendors due to the risk of failure involved.

The difference between an enterprise system and an ERP system is that ERP is mostly used for medium scale companies to big companies and ES is restricted to the big companies. There are many complex functions involved in big companies which cannot be provided solutions for alone by ERP. The role of ERP is restricted when compared to enterprise system because it does not include customer relationship or vendor management.

These applications are needed when the business process is complex and on a big scale. Therefore bigger organizations need to go with ES instead of enterprise resource planning alone. ERP is also an important system to streamline the internal processes but it does not provide for taking care of the external processes. Enterprise system takes care of the end to end business process of organization since it involves other applications also like SCM and CRM. There is quite a lot of difference between an enterprise system and an ERP and it depends on the company whether it wants to go with an ES to streamline the entire process starting from supplying, production and customer or whether he wants to go with an ERP system to streamline the internal process.

What Is The Difference Between ERP And Enterprise System?

Read about ERP Benefits. Also know about SAP ERP Review.


Google AdWords: A New Marketing Tool for Small Enterprise

Are you a small enterprise looking at Google AdWords to proliferate your business? You are just right on tract. Finding you on web and providing your potential clients with interesting products and services could just be a click away. This you can say is the beauty of the modern day search engine marketing. Making use of the internet to advertise your business derives you several benefits. Go unconventional if you plan to dominate the market at a small scale.

How does Google AdWords exactly benefit small enterprise? You are aware that a usual business operation entails cost and much of it goes to advertising. Being knowledgeable of online marketing eliminates this burden. With online presence, it benefits you by having minimal logistics, minimal manpower and cost and space efficiency. Let us first tackle minimizing logistics.


Logistics involves everything you need to operate at the minimum, i.e. from petty cash, order forms, official receipts, supplies and advertisements. By going online, all these daunting tasks are easily carried out. Your business ads take much of the logistics works. From brochure lay out, printing and distribution, it gets in your hectic schedule. Online marketing saves you that time and effort. It makes you reach your target customers in just a matter of minutes or probably seconds.

The next crucial thing about Google AdWords is that it minimizes the use of manpower. This is another aspect of business operation that requires a surmountable amount of budget. You pay your staff to do the job for you. Sometimes, it gets you frustrated when your own manpower slows your business down. Of course this thing applies depending on the nature and the scale of your enterprise. If you are a small starting entrepreneur or probably a home based type of business, employ online services to assist your business.

As a small enterprise, you always find ways on how to make every spending worthwhile. Conducting a business nowadays has been designed to keep costs low yet grow exponentially. You may find several businesses with their success stories on the internet and be surprised how they do it just back at home or probably a very small space.

In the long run and the most important advantage of going online, is reducing you costs and space for your business. In Google AdWords, it is as if you have a virtual office and people walk in it by just browsing on the internet. No need to print banners or brochures, you just have to create attractive graphics. You will also find out that from the convenience of advertising online, you should also work comfortably online.

From what has been discussed, you can now be confident that online advertising could do you a lot of help in doing your business. With all the laid advantages, you would not say no to it. After all, any entrepreneur is always in search to improve styles in operating the business.

To summarize what you have learned, keep in mind the three main advantages you can derive from internet advertising: minimal logistics, minimal manpower and space and cost efficiency. This can be achieved through employing Google AdWords in your advertisement strategy.

Google AdWords: A New Marketing Tool for Small Enterprise

Search Engine Marketing is just a click away and there have been several readings you can refer to. Just go find on Google AdWords on your browser and learn more.


MCITP - Enterprise Administrator

Microsoft have produced numerous courses, available as a class, online or on DVD, to I.T professionals all over the world. 2008's TS (technology specialist) exam in Enterprise Administration has improved many I.T professionals' prospects in the work place.

Who is it for?


The Enterprise Administration qualification is best for those who have worked within a medium sized to a large company as an I.T professional for a year or more. You must have experience of implementing and administrating a network and operating system for a large amount of users. The Microsoft website suggests that a large amount is between 250 to 5,000 users plus. You will also need to understand how to convert business goals into the technological structure.

Experience is also required in these areas:

(1) Dealing with systems in several different locations;
(2) Dealing with more than two separate domain controllers;
(3) A comprehensive understanding of databases, internet, firewall, intranet, client computer management, remote access, messaging and other network services and resources;
(4 Dealing with corporate connectivity issues, inside the office and outside.
(5) Addressing security issues and resolving any problems with the desktop.

You will also need a comprehensive understanding of Vista and 2007 Microsoft Office System Desktops, as well as knowing how to install Windows 7 and make the necessary changes and configurations.

What will be tested?

The MCITP certification will test the knowledge and skills that you have already gained in employment. It will also upgrade any knowledge, if you have been out of the loop since the invention of Windows 7, on other new technologies or improvements to systems.

Why take a MCITP Certification?

Although you may have the experience behind you, it is still very important to keep your qualifications up to date in a rapidly expanding and transforming industry. With the recent introduction of Windows 7 - a system that has become a favourite among the computer nerds of the I.T industry, large and small businesses and regular home users - it is necessary to adapt your skills to the new technology out there. The 2008 MCITP certification will expand your knowledge base and skills, making you an important asset to employers.

If you're still a beginner in this industry, an MCITP can help you speed up your career progression. It exemplifies your commitment to continuous learning and improvement - an important trait in a consistently changing industry.

How Can I Access it?

This is one of the easiest courses to access, as it is currently available online, in DVD format and as a teach yourself guide. Classes are also available in certain areas.

MCITP - Enterprise Administrator

Thinking about taking the MCITP Training Course? There are now a number of ways you can learn from the comfort of your own home. Take a look at:


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Texas Refinery Explosions Continue in Mont Belvieu Enterprise Products Facility Near Houston

Texas has long been a beacon of oil refineries, gas production, petroleum refining and other related industries. Our wide open spaces make for a great environment for these natural products to be worked on. One of these companies, which is headquartered in Houston, Texas, is Enterprise Products. This week, their facility in Mont Belvieu, Texas suffered a loud and very visible plant fire, just east of Houston in their West Storage Facility. The cause of the fire is believed by many right now to be a failed pump in an above-ground pipe rack area.

At first, Enterprise reported no injuries. However, families soon began asking questions. One such family never got any news and later found out that their loved one had been killed in the Texas refinery explosion. One could think of this event as an unfortunate mishap, but if you follow the news, you would know that this is not the first recent brush with a wrongful death for the company. Enterprise Products operates 49,100 miles of natural gas, NGL crude oil, refined products and petrochemical pipelines around the world. Several plant workers were left dead in June of last year after a gas line owned by Enterprise ruptured.


Texas has more refineries than any other state, so it is understandable that we have more refinery accidents. But the level of death, toxic exposure, and other personal injuries in the past few years for our workers has become staggering. In this incident, sadly the body of a contract worker was later found at the Chambers County plant by a local search and rescue crew.

Houston, Texas petrochemical accident attorneys have expert, specialized knowledge of both federal and state laws that apply to chemicals and gas. Explosion lawyers should have worked with both the Chemical Safety Board (CSB) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines on a regular basis. This is the only way to tell who is at fault if you get hurt at a plant.

OSHA reports the number of fatal refinery incidents is more than the combination of the next three highest industries. The fatalities are typically caused by a gaseous release or in the construction and maintenance of oil refineries. When a worker is employed at a Texas refinery or on a natural gas pipeline, he or she will be at a risk for explosions and fires because of the nature of the products being used. There are often contract workers, borrowed servants, and other non-employees on these job sites at the time accidents like this occur. The injuries can range from mild post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD to severe traumatic brain injury from a significant impact.

Texas Refinery Explosions Continue in Mont Belvieu Enterprise Products Facility Near Houston

Texas refinery explosion lawyer Stacey E. Burke. of Schechter, McElwee, Shaffer & Harris, LLP personal injury law firm has worked with numerous individuals who have been seriously injured as the result of someone else's negligence. Our firm's Texas Personal Injury attorneys are here to help you through the difficulties of your injury case. Our TX law firm represents plaintiffs against insurance companies, trucking companies, maritime employers, government agencies, hospitals, nursing homes, pharmaceutical companies and others,, handling most Texas Personal Injury and Wrongful Death cases. You can count on our law firm's 45 years of experience handling tens of thousands of claims.


About CDW Insurance

CDW insurance - collision damage waiver insurance or loss damage waiver insurance as it is also sometimes known - is peculiar to the world of hire cars and can differ from the standard motor insurance policies many people might be familiar with when driving at home. The differences can be important in some respects and this makes it more important than ever to check exactly what cover is being provided when you purchase CDW insurance from a car rental company.

In fact, the concept of a "waiver" was something introduced by car rental companies, which are generally not licensed by the financial regulators of their respective countries from selling insurance. The waiver, more strictly speaking, therefore, is an agreement by which the rental company waives its right to make the hirer of one of its vehicles entirely responsible for any loss or damage to it. From the customer's point of view, however, the collision damage waiver - or loss damage waiver, as it is also known - is to all intents and purposes a form of insurance.


Nevertheless, CDW insurance retains some distinctive features that it will be important for anyone hiring a car to be aware of. Although most forms of motor insurance have an excess, for example, the excess applying to CDW insurance tends to be higher -anything from the equivalent of a few hundred pounds to more than a thousand pounds in some parts of the world. Just as with regular motor insurance, the CDW insurance excess represents that part of any repair or replacement bill that remains the hirer's responsibility - or, to put it another way, that part of the rental company's right that has not been "waived".

A further idiosyncrasy of most CDW insurance is that it specifically excludes cover for damage to the wheels or tyres, glass or windows, and roof and underside of the vehicle. However, exclusion from the provisions of the CDW makes these areas of the vehicle no less vulnerable to accidental damage and, in any such event, the hirer could find him or herself solely responsible for paying for any repairs.

Because of these exclusions and the size of the excess that frequently applies to CDW insurance, many drivers take up the option of purchasing additional, or "top up" forms of insurance cover. The car rental company itself, for example, will probably offer the option of buying "super CDW insurance". Although these insurance packages can reduce the excess to zero, they usually continue to exclude claims for damage relating to the tyres, windows, roof or underside of the vehicle. Alternatively, a damage excess waiver could be bought from an independent broker at rather less cost, although even these can continue to exclude damage to particular areas of the vehicle.

Probably the most complete all-round insurance, however, is excess insurance from an independent specialist hire car insurance provider, which not only covers the CDW insurance excess but also extends insurance cover to damage to the hire car's roof, underside, windows or glass and wheels or tyres.

About CDW Insurance

Simon Vella is Chief Executive of Insurance4Carhire an independent specialist broker dedicated to providing their clients with the best deal on their CDW insurance and car hire insurance.


Enterprise Search Application Importance in Business

Enterprise Search is basically related to search technology application to get information reside with in the organizations. The result comes from the organization and it will view publicly.

Basically there are two types of enterprise search: one is called web search and another is desktop search. The main task of enterprise search is to present the result from various sources like document management systems, file systems, emails, intranet, filesite and database etc. Each business organization want to provide better services to their client and enterprise search is one of the key for business to provide the result for the customer in a quick way by a single query search. The large enterprise organization always uses this application for managing their business workflow.


It is very helpful in business process management because in an organization there are so many file systems and document resides and to get a particular data or file from the system is a very difficult task and this issue can easily solve by this application. It is quite similar to universal search used by Google and other search engine.

This application is used very frequently in all most all domains like Business, Travel, Shopping, Software etc. In business domain it used to maintain the document and records for find data in a quick way. If we discuss about shopping it is used to present the products by a single query search. In travel case it is used to provide the particular package or services needed by their customer in a easy way.

Enterprise Search Application Importance in Business

We are using enterprise search application from last 10 years to maintain our business with document management workflow. We always focus to provide excellent services to our client with our skills and solutions.