Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ten Enterprise Performance Management Best Practices - Executing Phase

This article continues where we left off discussing the 11 performance management best practices in the planning phase of the Lifecycle Performance Management Model. The Lifecycle Performance Management Model is an enterprise framework that is centered on 35 best practices. These best practices span across the five phases of the performance life-cycle: defining, planning, executing, monitoring and reporting. This article is the third of a series of five discussing the performance management best practices within Lifecycle Performance Management, and will focus on the executing phase.

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The executing phase best practices involve implementing the planned activities outlined in the defining and planning phases. This is where we develop metrics, align performance to organizational objectives, identify cross-functional processes, and integrate data. During the executing phase the performance management team must maintain a climate of open communication with business unit liaisons and executive management, as this is where executive goals are transformed into action.


1. Employee Performance Management

Employee Performance Management is the systematic process by which an organization involves its employees, as individuals and members of a group, in improving organizational effectiveness in the accomplishment of agency mission and goals. The Employee Performance Management process includes planning work and setting expectations, continually monitoring performance, developing the capacity to perform, periodically rating performance in a summary fashion, and rewarding good performance. Functions within employee performance management are recruit and hire management, compensation management, incentive management, goals management, learning management, competency management and performance measurement.

2. Information Services Performance Management

Information Services Performance Management is the practice of measuring and monitoring information systems and services and aligning them to organizational goals and objectives. Information Services Performance Management involves supporting employees and customers, aligning business unit objectives to system capabilities and performance, communicating IT planning and performance data in a way that is useful to business unit management, and adapting to growing complexities and constant change.

3. Process Management

Process Management is a series of actions taken to identify, analyze and improve existing processes within an organization to meet new goals and objectives. Process Management involves identifying key business processes and aligning the results of these processes with the strategic goals. Lifecycle Process Management consists of baselining the current environment, identifying critical success factors, redesigning inefficient or ineffective processes, automating processes, identifying process metrics, and training employees on cross functional process.

4. Data Integration Management

Data Integration Management is the practice of gaining business value from information assets through the effective use of data management technologies and best practices. Key components of Data Integration Management include data integration, data quality, database management systems, data warehousing and enterprise information management. Data Integration Management enables an organization to secure a single, accurate, corporate view of key information.

5. Performance Metrics Management

Performance Metrics Management is the process of identifying quantifiable, results-driven metrics that enable informed decision making and encourages improved service delivery. Performance Metrics Management involves understanding the business and complexities of the organization, focusing on the desired outcomes, involving all participants for consensus and buy-in, ensuring that formulas and logic are valid, and storing performance results in a centralized location for easy access.

6. Performance Alignment Management

Performance Alignment Management facilitates the translation of business and functional priorities into strategy. Performance alignment consists of aligning corporate strategy to four areas: division/departmental, workforce, financial and resources. Ultimately, Performance Alignment Management develops a performance strategy that feeds strategic alignment, reflects organizational priorities, and leads to successful execution of organizational goals and objectives.

7. Cross-functional Process Management

Cross-functional Process Management is the process of breaking down functional siloed thinking and building the organization around core processes rather than specific functional areas. Cross-functional Process Management focuses on those major processes which require support from multiple functional support groups. Ultimately, a well managed cross functional process enables performance tracking throughout each of the functional "hand offs" and weak points within a major process are identified and corrected.

8. Systems Management

Systems management is an automated event management system that proactively and reactively notifies system operators of failures, capacity issues, traffic issues, virus attacks and other transient events. The tools allow monitoring of system status, performance indicators, thresholds, notification of users, and dispatch of trouble tickets. Systems Management provides optimal system performance, quicker resolution of problems, and minimizes failures. Automated solutions are used in support of distributed computing operations processes and policies for performance and failure detection and correction, as well as optimization.

9. Change Management

Change management is the procedure, policies, and tools established to monitor organizational assets to assure that unauthorized changes are not being implemented. It also affirms that a database of changes is available so that changes can be easily recognized during troubleshooting activities

10. Procurement Management

Procurement Management is a set of policies and procedures to manage the procurement process. Procurement Management does not necessarily designate that all procurement personnel are centralized in a single location; rather it involves the development of a common set of procurement policies and operating procedures, pooling of information about requests, vendor contracts, asset data, industry information, and qualified procurement skills to ensure the pieces required to get a cost effective deal are properly considered. As well, centralized procurement assures that standardization rules are in compliance.

Ten Enterprise Performance Management Best Practices - Executing Phase

About the Author

Victor Holman is a performance management expert who helps organizations reach performance goals through best practice analysis and implementation and custom enterprise performance management products and services. His performance management frameworks and methodologies can be viewed at []

His Organizational Performance and Best Practices Analysis [] measures how well organization's utilize the key performance activities that drive organizational success and identifies cost savings opportunities and the critical path to reaching organizational goals. The Lifecycle Performance Management Kit is complete with step by step guides, frameworks, templates, videoseminars, presentations, performance metrics, and more.

For a FREE performance management kit, visit the Performance Management Portal. Contact him personally at



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