There are hundreds of car rental discount codes and coupons that you can get, just by being a member of certain associations. Take advantage of these membership rewards and lower the price on your rental.
Do you belong to an auto club or frequent flyer program? A travel club or professional association? Most of these programs have discounts with one or more car rental company.
Each car rental company has a discount code specific to the association (like an auto club) or program (like a frequent flyer membership).
If you are calling the specific car rental company's toll-free number, all you have to do is ask if there is a discount with that program or association. The agents will be able to plug in the proper discount code and quote you the rate.
If you are searching online for rental rates, you can get the specific discount number from the program that you belong to from that program's website for membership rewards. Often, you can then link to the rental company you prefer and the correct car rental discount code will autofill in the proper place. They may also have coupon offers as well.
If you have several memberships, look up the discount code for each and then try different codes to see which one will give you the best rate. Remember that you will have to show proof of membership, if asked, in order to receive the discount!
The company you work for may already have a discount. Check with your Human Resources manager or with a reservation agent for the car rental company you choose.
Self employed or own your own business? Most rental agencies offer car rental discount programs for small businesses and those who are self employed, with discounts,coupons and specials just for you! Call any car rental company and ask to sign up. It's easy! Most car rental websites will also offer a sign up link for a corporate or business account. You will receive a car rental discount code that you can use right away!
For more car rental tips on discount codes, coupons, policies and more, please visit my website below.
Car Rental Discount Code Tips
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