Printable coupons are a great addition to a collection. Most sites will allow each one to be printed twice from a computer so if there are multiple computers in a home the opportunity is there to print numerous coupons for the same product. They are readily available online, but where is the best place to find and print them without wasting a lot of time hunting them down?
The popular sites SmartSource and RedPlum will offer the same coupons that you see in the inserts in the Sunday paper. Not all of them will be available for printing but the more popular ones will be. The manufacturer only allows a certain number of printings for each zip code, so couponers will want to check these sites on a regular basis to make sure the coupons that are wanted will be available.
Some users have been known to type in different zip codes if the coupon they want to print is no longer available. This is one way to successfully acquire that particular printable if the print limit has been reached in a certain zip code.
Another place to find printables is on a manufacturer's website. When visiting the site, look for a link that has the words coupon or special offer included. The manufacturer's websites are known for higher value, more desirable coupons. Cereal, frozen vegetables and snacks are some of the more popular manufacturer sites that consistently have coupons available to print.
Some manufacturers never release any online printables and the reasons they give do vary. Pampers, Pepsi and Gatorade are common coupons that people do look for but never find on the manufacturer's websites. These coupons are rare, hard to find and are usually only found in Sunday newspaper inserts a few times per year.
Not all stores will accept printable online coupons because of how easy it is to duplicate the coupons or commit coupon fraud with them. Never copy an online printable coupon because attempting to use a copied coupon is coupon fraud and can get the person who presents it in serious trouble. It is best to check with your particular store to see what their policy is on accepting coupons printed off of the internet.
Some stores that offer double or triple coupons will not double or triple an online printable coupon. Again it is because of the risk of the coupon being fraudulent. They will accept the coupon as a courtesy to their customers but are not willing to take the extra risk if the coupon does in fact turn out to be fake when they submit it to the company for reimbursement.
Finding free online printable coupons is easy. The reward for printing them off is money in the bank. After all, a penny saved really is a penny earned.
Finding Online Printable Coupons
You can learn more about ethical couponing, frugal living and how to get items for free or close to it by visiting Helena's blog
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