Business of all sizes are adopting voice and data technologies including Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), Open Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Unified Communications (UC) for their enterprise class needs. Enterprise class technology is large enough to allow the cost savings and increased productivity to show much more clearly in a company's performance. This means that while a small company may save say 0 per year for each server that is consolidated, a larger enterprise operation could be saving that number times a hundred, potentially saving as much as ,000 per year in electricity costs alone.
The most valuable part of this revolution is that such enterprise technology solutions are the most reliable. There was a time when SIP open standards technology was not taken seriously and as a result, major corporations would not adopt it. Once that changed, SIP open standards technology became the next revolution for small and large businesses alike.
Unified Information
Unified communication conveyed the idea of having email, fax and telephone available in one interface for users. VoIP is the backbone technology that is allowing major corporations to realize the UC system, but when coupled with green technology, mobility and interactive collaboration, something new is created and it is called unified information.
Unified information is the concept of interconnecting a company's phone log with its web page analytics to learn when that company's customers are most likely to access both the site and contact customer service. For larger corporations, using this kind of information could allow businesses to reduce dependency on customer service representatives and subsequently reduce their response time by providing web-based information while customers are waiting for a call center representative. This goes beyond the idea of reducing long distance expenses and it is hard to imagine anyone paying a long distance bill these days.
Utilizing Green Power
Utilizing anything green is "the new green," as the new saying goes. In fact, utilizing anything "green" is how companies are starting to realize increases in their operations' profit potential; however, green is also how companies realize the value of social consciousness and ensure their future position. It just makes sense to invest in the benefits of green energy while streamlining the cost of doing business. It is the same with Unified Communications, information and mobility integration. This is how business is going to be done now and in the future, so now is the time to benefit from such synergy.
Enterprise Class Technology Solutions in a High Demand Environment
Zultys is the premiere provider of green voice technology, innovative unified communication and enterprise SIP solutions, bringing steep cost savings to businesses with a reduced carbon footprint and healthier environment. Zultys MX250 Enterprise-Class IP PBX offers a feature-rich enterprise-class business IP telephone system supporting VoIP and unified communication services for up to 250 users.
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