Enterprise Mobile Applications are drawing every one's attention now with iPhone, iPad, Android and other devices getting in the hands of global consumers. General perception is this.. "It is hard to make money in mobile space. Even enterprises have not figured how to make revenue". I hear this over and over again. It makes me to rewind my memory back and look at what happened. I hope we can recollect the same perception we had around the mid nineties about internet and e-commerce. It took several years for the industry to mature and enterprises to start making revenue and profit in that space. I believe that the same is true for mobile and it might not take several years for the industry to mature; My guess is less than 5 years. Also I strongly believe that enterprises know how to make revenue in mobile space. They are letting the industry to grow and stabilize while consumers adapt the devices.
Internet and e-Commerce from mid-nineties:
Wireless devices have been my interest since 1996. While working at Equinox Solutions, Bangalore (a Massachusetts based IT consulting company's India development center), the company had a wireless computing division. Though I heard about WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) and selling advertisements through wireless phones, I couldn't see how that will happen. But I had reasonable exposure to this emerging field before even I had seen a real wireless phone.
Acceptance of Mobile Phones:
During the year 2000, I bought my 1st Samsung mobile phone. I was so amazed with the capability of being able to talk to someone with a nationwide plan throughout United States even while I was in a remote area with cell phone coverage. Slowly cell phone became a commodity, plans were affordable. I could see how mobile phone based ads could take place.
WAP based applications and Workflow:
Around 2007, I had an opportunity to promote Mobile phone based workflow solution through my startup as part time job. Had opportunity to attend many conferences including Gartner's BPM (Business Process Management) Summit in Florida. Again, I could see the opportunity but the suitable devices were not ready in consumer's hands.
iPhone, iPad, Android and the revolution:
Since the middle of 2010, I have been participating in many Job fairs, meeting medium size to big size recruitment companies, talking to industrial experts in the IT industry and attending various business conferences. I see that the mobile platform has matured, mobile devices have the usability features to run applications with necessary internet bandwidth and affordable data plans. However, the common problem is, that the enterprise mobile application development space does not have enough number of Quality Engineers on Android, iPhone, iPad and related platforms.
All-in-one in Mobile device:
As the technology galloped many strides in the processors speed & parallel processing and with the advancement in Memory's size to capacity and speed, the Mobile devices are quickly replacing a lot of devices like the Laptops, Netbooks, Camera, GPS devices, Camcorders, MP3 players and more.
I see the power of mobile devices along with 4G wireless standards changing the way we do business and collaborate with each other in the near future.
Enterprise Mobile Apps and the Demand:
Many ideas are becoming realities both in the consumer and Enterprise level. But sadly, there is a big vacuum for the availability of qualified engineers. This is not only in the United States, but all over the world. There are plenty of Individual contributors in this space who have developed Mobile Apps across the globe. But these engineers will need education and coaching on understanding few important areas while developing Mobile applications for Enterprise.
Few companies have prophetically visualized the dimensions of this vacuum and have designed curriculum to train resources for Enterprise Mobile Space and enabling quality mobile Apps. The global demand will continue to put more demand on qualified Engineers to be trained all over the world.
Next Generation Enterprise Mobile and Interactive Web - Global Demands
Justifus Asir
Co-Founder and Enterprise Mobile Solutions Consultant
Enrichware Systems LLC
2953 Bunker Hill Lane, Suite 400
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Direct: +1 (408) 464 6334
Mobile: +1 (408) 480 7165
Web: http://www.enrichware.com
E-mail: justifus@enrichware.com
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